How Horse Show Management Teams are Thriving with Horse Spot

As I’ve watched new horse show management teams implement Horse Spot for the first time, I’ve noticed something incredible unfolding. It’s not just that they’re using our platform successfully—it’s that the feedback they’re receiving is overwhelmingly positive, and it’s coming from all directions.

Enthusiastic Office Staff and Secretaries

One of the first groups to experience the benefits of Horse Spot are the show staff and office secretaries. These individuals, who often bear the brunt of handling complex, fast-paced show environments, are getting a taste of something new: efficiency. I’ve observed managers being met with enthusiasm from their teams after they start using the platform. One office secretary recently shared —

“This makes everything so much easier—we’re cutting hours off our prep time!”
Another commented, “I actually enjoy doing billing and splits on this program.”

The key takeaway here is that it’s not just the management benefiting from Horse Spot—it’s the entire operational staff. And as they become more familiar with the platform, the feedback only gets better.

Positive Exhibitor Experiences

What’s more exciting is how exhibitors are responding to the software. For them, Horse Spot isn’t just a backend tool; it’s their window into seamless communication with the show management. I’ve heard exhibitors say things like, “Wow, we love using the new software,” and “I hope you keep using this at your future shows!” For competitors, the ease of navigating schedules, submitting entries, and getting results has drastically improved their overall show experience.

This positive feedback from exhibitors gives show management something powerful: credibility. When exhibitors enjoy their experience, it reflects on the show management’s professionalism and choice of tools.

Accolades Flow to Show Management

One of the most intriguing aspects of this process is that while Horse Spot is doing the heavy lifting, the accolades are landing squarely on the shoulders of the show managers. And that’s exactly how it should be. We designed Horse Spot to be a seamless extension of the show management team’s capabilities. When exhibitors and staff are thrilled with how smoothly everything is running, management reaps the rewards, earning their reputation as efficient, organized, and exhibitor-focused.

For those using Horse Spot, the biggest benefit is that they get to leverage cutting-edge technology while also positioning themselves as leaders in horse show management—without needing to reinvent the wheel.

Final Thoughts

Watching these new management teams use Horse Spot has been a gratifying experience. The positive responses from their teams and exhibitors reinforce what we’ve always believed: Horse Spot isn’t just a tool—it’s a way to elevate the entire horse show experience. And we’re thrilled to see management teams benefit from that recognition.

Whether you’re new to Horse Spot or considering making the switch, know that the platform is designed to make your job easier, your exhibitors happier, and your shows run more smoothly. The accolades are all yours to enjoy!

Photo Credits:
Equinium Equestrian Press & Marketing
Emma Lynn Photography

Michael Lenard

Sales & Customer Success

Michael is one of the founders of Horse Spot, bringing two decades of horse show management experience, including extensive work in show office operations, to the table. He also leads Horse Spot's sales, customer support and financial efforts. A seasoned amateur hunter/jumper rider, Michael has competed up to the 1.40m level and has earned several noteworthy wins, showcasing a deep commitment to the equestrian sport. Michael is also a passionate horse show judge, currently in pursuit of his USEF judging licensures.